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Microsoft ends support for IE8, IE9, and IE10

Published by Dave McCann in Windows · 1/2/2016 11:10:00
Tags: IEinternetexplorerbrowsersecurity
Microsoft has ended supported for older Internet Explorer version 8, 9, and 10

For those customer still using Internet Explorer (and we know there are a good percentage) the message is clear you should be using IE11 or current version of an alternate browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox.  As of January 12, 2016, these products have officially entered end-of-life and will no longer receive security updates.

For users of Windows 7 and later, the simple answer is to upgrade to IE11 which will continue to be maintained or Edge on Windows 10.  For older versions of Windows such as Vista or XP (seriously, you shouldn't be using XP except for legacy applications and then NOT for internet at this point) IE11 is not supported and in fact IE9 is the last official version supported on Vista.   

For those users, we'd normally suggest Google Chrome but they have announced they will only support it through April 2016 on XP and Vista.  Mozilla Firefox may be your best bet if you still insist on running Windows Vista or XP as they have not yet announced a date when they will end support.

The bottom line -- it's 2016 and if you're using an older PC to browse the internet your days are numbered and you need to update to Windows 10 or at the very least Windows 7 which will continue to have mainstream support through 2020.

Diagnosing Web Browser Problems

Published by Dave McCann in Software Tips · 21/8/2015 17:36:00
Tags: webbrowserproblemsIEchromefirefox

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